Data Usage Report

the The data usage reports are of the stats collected by the 'Companion App' from the devices by querying the Android OS. The OS provides the list of data used for both 'Wi-Fi' & 'Mobile Networks' against each app.

This report helps in seeing the aggregated reports for hours, days, weeks & months.

How to Setup the report?

To start the data usage collection from the devices, a few things should be ensured:

  1. Make sure that the Kiosk app's version 1.5.3 is installed on the devices

  2. Permissions are granted on the Companion app

  3. Data Usage Configurations are applied to profiles or devices

Data usage Configuration

You can either use the 'Default' configuration or create a new one.

Select your profile & press apply.


The filters will be used by the Cubilock to fetch the filtered

Date Range

You set the range for the data.

Date Usage

You can set the warning criteria based on the following:

Profiles, Groups, Device & App

These filters can be used to further narrow down the results.

Monthly Report

Daily Report

App Report

Warning Widgets

Chart View

Scheduled Reports

You can also set a schedule to email reports to yourself.

Last updated